Now You See Me – Movie Review

Now You See Me (2013) - IMDb

I have seen this movie far more times than I would ever care to admit, that’s how much I love it. So this is going to be a pretty positive review (just letting you know!). It can be found on Netflix (depending on your region), Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, Disney+ and is available to rent or buy on DVD.

J. Daniel Atlas (played by Jesse Eisenberg), Jack Wilder (Dave Franco), Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson) and Henley Reeves (Isla Fisher) are all small time, street magicians just trying to make a living out of the art of magic. However, the legend of ‘The Eye’, a small and exclusive club for only the best magicians, catches up to them and they find themselves sucked into a completely different reality. Now world-famous and known internationally as ‘The Four Horseman’ they take on their biggest heist yet – robbing a European bank from a Las Vegas stage.

They are pursued by FBI agent Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo) and Interpol agent Alma Drey (Melanie Laurent) who are, somewhat unwillingly, aided by TV star Thaddeus Bradley (Morgan Freeman). Their chase takes them across the world (!) and they learn more about themselves and each other than they had ever wanted to know.

I absolutely loved this movie and am giving it an easy 10/10. It was clever, witty and thrilling the whole way through. The characters and their relationships were believable and the plot drew me in and left me desperate to know more. The tricks are large-scale but also incredibly simple at the core and it brings all anyone has ever thought about magicians into an entirely new light. I really enjoyed the character development that occured for each character and I found the movie really entertaining to watch.

‘Now You See Me 2’ was released in 2016 and follows on the same concept of ‘The Four Horseman’ but Isla Fisher’s character, Haley, does not appear as Fisher was on maternity leave during filming. Therefore, Lizzy Caplan steps in as the character of Lula and brings a fabulous new dimension to the film. ‘Now You See Me 3’ was set for release in 2020 but the COVID-19 pandemic has left fans unsure as to when it will hit our screens. Fingers crossed it will be soon!

Give the movie a watch and let me know what you think!

Or, if you’ve already seen it, what did you think?

Lots of love,

Dramatically Dramatic xx

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