Derry Girls – TV Show Review

Derry Girls removed from Netflix in monumental error | Metro News

Full disclosure, this is honestly one of my favourite shows on television. ‘Derry Girls’ is written by Lisa McGee and was initially broadcast on Channel 4 in 2018. Season 1 can be found on Netflix and, depending on your region, you may be able to get season 2 as well. If you’re in Ireland or the UK however, you may have noticed that season 2 was added for 2/3 days before being removed again. This was an error on Netflix’s behalf as they released it too early and an actual release date is yet to be confirmed. Unfortunately, it has been revealed that season 3 of ‘Derry Girls’ will be the final season of the show – much to my disappointment!

‘Derry Girls’ is set in Derry, Northern Ireland, during The Troubles (1990s). It follows the lives of Erin Quinn (Saoirse Monica Jackson), her cousin Orla McCool (Louisa Harland) and their friends Clare Devlin (Nicola Coughlan), Michelle Mallon (Jamie-Lee O’Donnell) and James Maguire (Dylan Llewellyn) as they attempt to get through school-life while living through war.

If you’re unaware of this period of Irish history, allow me to explain (it’ll make the show somewhat easier to understand!). Ireland was once colonised by the Birtish which lead to hundreds of years of fighting in order to gain independence. However, the time after Ireland’s victory in the War of Independence (1921) produced many more issues for the Irish. Ireland is comprised of 32 counties but the Irish people only succeeded in gaining 26 counties back. The 6 remaining counties remained under British rule (as they are to this day) and the country Northern Ireland was born. However there was huge fighting in Northern Ireland between the 2 religions that existed there. The Catholics identified as Irish and the Protestants identified as British. And so The Troubles were born. It is estimated that 3,600 people died during The Troubles with thousands more being injured. The fighting and suffering only came to an end after the Good Friday Agreement was signed putting a peaceful end to the fighting.

So, with that history lesson over, let’s continue with the review.

This is a heart-warming comedy that truly brings this time period into a different perspective. We often hear (in the same way I have explained above) of facts and figures. However, this show embraced the reality of growing-up in a war-torn country which is a universal understanding.

All of the characters were different, each with unique aims and goals in life. They worked exceptionally well together and I loved watching them. The writing of this show was hilarious which would have given these actors the opportunity to fully embrace their characters and to push them to their limits.

This is a wonderful show. It showed the reality of lives that we never see but did so in a humourous and refreshing manner. This group of girls (and James!) were just trying to live their lives but had to do so during a very troubled time. However, they certainly did not let this stop them and they laughed throughout it all.

I am definitely giving this show 10/10.

I would highly recommend that you watch this one. You don’t need to have any interest in history to enjoy it as, at the end of the day, it is truly about friendship, love and hope.

Gve it a watch and let me know what you think!

Or, if you’ve already seen it, did you love it as much as I did?

Lots of love,

Dramatically Dramatic xx

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