Never Have I Ever – TV Show Review

Is 'Never Have I Ever' (2020) available to watch on UK Netflix ...

There’s one season of this new Mindy Kaling comedy and I finished it last night. Unsurprisingly, I ended up crying at the end. So that was fun. Anyway, I seriously enjoyed this show. It’s a Netflix original and therefore can only be found on Netflix so I recommend everyone who has Netflix watches it and if you’re considering getting Netflix, I’ll say right now that you should and then watch this show! There’s only one season at the moment but, following an announcement on Instagram, season 2 is expected to arrive in April of 2021!

‘Never Have I Ever’ follows Devi Vishwakumar (played by Maitreyi Ramakrishnan), an Indian-American teenager who is trying to get her life back on track after a particularly tramautising year. Her goal to make this the best year yet? Get a boyfriend. Preferably the hottest guy in school, Paxton Hall-Yoshida (Darren Barnet). However friends, family and hidden feelings get in the way as Devi tries to find herself again throughout it all.

In the supporting roles we see Ramona Young and Lee Rodriguez as Devi’s best friends Eleanor and Fabiola, Jaren Lewison as her rival Ben Gross, Poorna Jagannathan as her mother Nalini and Richa Moorjani as her perfect cousin Kamala.

This is a fantastic show with a superb cast. Through the eyes of Devi, we learn about the importance of love, friendship and family and how no problem is ever too big when you’re surrounded by the right people.

The only critique I would have about this show would be the ages of some of the cast members. All of the characters are supposed to be 15/16 but some of the actors are much older. Darren Barnet, for example, is actually 29 and, although he plays the part of Paxton extremely well, I was surprised and a little disappointed that they hadn’t cast someone a bit closer in age. Truth be told, it has always been a bone of contention for me that teenagers are rarely cast in the roles of teenagers but perhaps it is simply testsment to their acting skills that they can portray a teenager so accurately.

So, I’m giving this show 9/10.

I really would recommend it to everyone as it is heart-warming, hilarious and such an accurate coming-of-age story for a girl of the 21st century.

Each of the characters are unique and so important to the plot. As an added benefit, the show is narrated by John McEnroe, world-renowned tennis player, but, as he says himself, that makes more sense as the show progresses!

Please go and give this show a watch. It is the perfect mix of Mindy Kaling laugh-out-loud comedy and a refreshing tale of growing up in this crazy world. Let me know what you think!

Or of you’ve seen it already, did you enjoy it as much as I did?

Lots of love,

Dramatically Dramatic xx

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