The Social Network – Movie Review

The Social Network Poster | Sam Soon | Flickr

I saw this movie only last week and I was shocked that I hadn’t heard about it before. This Academy Award winning film can be found on Netflix and I would highly recommend that everyone watches it.

‘The Social Network’ tells the true story of Mark Zukerberg and how the social media giant ‘Facebook’ came into creation.

The movie opens with Zuckerberg’s college girlfriend breaking up with him, an action that leads him to (seriously!) lash out. Zuckerberg (played by Jesse Eisenberg) decides to set up a cruel website rating all of the girls on campus. This venture, however, opens him up to new opportunities and the idea for “The Facebook”, as it was initially known, was born.

It is highly possible that this movie decided to pinpoint all of the darker and more spiteful aspects of Zuckerberg’s personality as we are left with no love for the guy by the time the movie has reached it’s conclusion.

This movie boasts an all-star cast with Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake taking on the most important supporting roles to tell this story. However, Jesse Eisenberg steals the show. His awkward, rude and self-obsessed portrayal fits the character perfectly as a young and attention-craving Zuckerberg is born before our eyes.

This movie moves at speed with little or no opportunity for one to drift off and rejoin later. It is gripping and exciting as we see the way in which one of the biggest social media companies in the world was born, and all that was lost as it came to fruition.

I would easily give this movie 10/10.

A very interesting point to note, however, is that Zuckerberg himself refuses to watch this movie. It has also been claimed that only 40%-70% of the movie is actually accurate. I’m unsure as to whether this is because Zuckerberg is painted in a negative light and is attempting to salvage some of his reputation or because the movie simply preys upon the more unfavourable aspects of his personality. However, from certain rumours about the goings-on inside of Facebook’s headquarters over the past few years, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it were true.

This movie deserves a watch so what are you waiting for? Let me know what you think!!

Lots of love,

Dramatically Dramatic xx

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